After performing site visit to inspect the elements and access; Coordinated Systems Consulting (CSC) developed a proprietary solution to protect, repair and strengthen two structural beams in accordance with the scope of work presented below:
Beam 1 located on first floor, column line 1, gridline B-C. (S-101)
Beam 2 Located on second floor, column line 1, gridline C-D (S-202)
▪ Removal and replacement of detached and loose concrete.
▪ Install Surtreat TPS XII to exposed Reinforcement to stop corrosion
▪ Reframe beam to original dimensions,
▪ Install new concrete with Surtreat TPS XV added to prepackaged concrete
▪ Strip Forms
▪ Install Surtreat TPS II system
▪ Installation of carbon fiber reinforcement as designed by FYFE.
PICTURED: One of two areas to be repaired prior to any work performed by CSC.
Prior to initial mobilization for labor, CSC Superintendents performed a site visit to inspect the elements in need of repair. The purpose of this site visit was necessary to quantify the scope and the extent of work as well as perform diagnostic nondestructive testing to confirm origin and cause of deterioration within the existing structure
After brushing the existing loose concrete from the repair area, CSC was then able to proceed with installation of Surtreat TPS XII directly to the rebar. Application of Surtreat TPS XII was necessary to stop and reverse corrosion on the exposed rebar and concrete. This also eliminated the need to chip any sound concrete from behind the bar as well as replace the rebar, or paint or coat the existing rebar, further helping to eliminate the need for any bonding agent between substrate and new concrete.
Following application of TPS XII, CSC then proceeded with beam forming using Quikrete FastSet along with with the Surtreat TPS XV concrete additive. This helped to facilitate a corrosion free repair with extended (20+ years life span) that was able to achieve the concrete strength’s sooner, as well as improve the adhesion between the substrates and the new concrete to the FRP to be installed following the Surtreat installations.
Lastly after stripping all forms and chamfering all corners to prepare for Surtreat TPS II application, CSC finalized installation of Surtreat TPS II to the underside and both vertical faces of each beam beyond the concrete repair limits to the nearest column line.
Upon completing the installation of the Surtreat TPS System, a prime coat of thickened Tyfo® S Epoxy was applied to the substrate to fill all minor imperfections, deflection, voids, etc. The TYFO CFRP SCH-41 fiber was then hand saturated to ensure proper impregnation with Tyfo® S Epoxy. Saturated TYFO CFRP SCH-41 was then applied to the surface and all air bubbles were worked out of the system. System was then leveled, set, and sealed using an additional coat of thickened Tyfo® S Epoxy.
After completing the Surtreat TPS product installations, as well as CFRP and allowing time to cure, CSC Certified Inspector Armando Corral ensured the accuracy and quality of the work by performing a final inspection prior to de-mobilization. Mr. Corral further verified that all CFRP and Surtreat product was applied according to approved engineering plans. Surtreat System will remain corrosion free for up to 10 years. It is expected that the life span of structural elements treated with the Surtreat System can be extended 20 years.
We outlined FRP composite strengthening for the pre-cast tees in flexure as well as shear reinforcing.
SURTREAT® provides a collection of concrete solutions for engineers, owners, and general contractors alike.
VCI coatings are a great way to prevent initial and further corrosion of your metal surfaces and metal infrastructure.